
The usefulness of prompt templates

In an era where AI technology is getting integrated in many aspects of our lives, being able to properly externalize what we need is a must. The time when AI models can read our brain to know exactly what we want hasn’t come yet and it’s crucial to be able to craft meaningful prompts to achieve the task at hand.

March 17, 2024

Stream Claude answers in real-time with PHP

Since the release of Claude 3, the AI model has boomed in popularity and became a serious alternative to ChatGPT. The quality of its reasoning and the relevance of its answers made it a perfect choice as an engine to drive an AI powered application forward.

April 14, 2024

Display your AI response stream on a web page

With the accessibility of LLMs to the public, it has become widely popular to integrate chatting models into websites. We are on the verge of a revolu tion in the way users consume the web and it might become crucial in the near future to harness the power of artificial intelligence into new and existing products.

April 24, 2024